As the gold, silver, lavendar, brown and gray tones of winter set in, here are a few fond farewells, if only for a season:
• First lovely blossoms on a young apple tree planted in 2007 with two tiny apples in 2009…
• Fresh lettuce available by just walking out the door…
• Cherry blossoms and birds building nests everywhere…
• Flats of beet seedings just set out into an early spring garden bed…
• Bowls and stacks and buckets of green beans from the garden on every surface in the kitchen…
• Schools of butternut squash ripening along the vines….
May we all meet again as the seasons turn! As I say those good-byes, let me open new eyes to the (easily overlooked) gifts of winter.
What are you already missing from your garden 2009?

I would love some suggestions of stuff to grow in shadey areas! It gets a bit overwhelming sometimes doing the research to figure it out.
I didn’t have a garden this year, but I do already miss my CSA!
I’m trying to figure out if I will even be able to have a garden at my current house. I’m not sure if there is enough sun in any part of the yard. To achieve that I would have to cut down some trees, I think.
Stephanie, CSAs are so cool. We had one in NC (which could really get crazy on the weeks the garden was also producing well!) and the farmer would put recipes in the box every time. I loved that…especially since he was a great cook. My dream retirement job is a farmers mkt booth where I also sell little recipes. 🙂 About your yard and shade: If there’s enough sun for grass to grow well (look for those spots) then in those spots you can at least get most of leafy greens and more stuff. I have a list of veggies that do best in a little shade…will post. THANKS for your visit to the blog and your wonderful comments!