I took July off from blogging and then August was busier than I expected. But I’m back. We’ve been doing a lot of good eating around here! The meal above was the first one we had that was completely from the garden: green beans, red potatoes, fresh corn, and purple hull peas!
This summer we’ve had green beans by the bag, purple hull peas — our favorite, feta-chard quiche, some delicious tomatoes (though not as many as usual due to all the rain), the amazing Ambrosia cantaloupe, more bell peppers than we can eat so many are going to the freezer for winter cooking, loads of onions from the spring still in storage, and corn (pictured here as an Indian inspired spicy corn — I’ll share the recipe — if anyone would like it just leave a comment).
Glad to be back!

Did I miss the recipe?
Wow that looks yummers!