Bee Bee Tree: Adding this to planting wish list

Posted on Jul 6, 2013 | Comments Off on Bee Bee Tree: Adding this to planting wish list

With a name like Bee Bee Tree, you know it is going to be of interest around here! Like the Chinese Golden Raintree, the Bee Bee Tree fills a late summer niche when there are few other nectar sources for bees and pollinators. For those in the WNC mountains, this bloom chart for beekeepers is handy: For gardeners interested in bee-friendly plants, here’s a good list : and another one with a tree list included here:

Will be shopping for a Bee Bee Tree as soon as I have a place to plant one….maybe before if that takes a long while. May have rows of buckets of plants ready for the future homestead long before I have a homestead! Haha.  What are some things on your planting wish list? (Comment link is just above the picture.)



—A Larrapin Garden…currently in search of a new home in the Blue Ridge of North Carolina.  Leigh’s posts on this blog may be boom or bust depending on the season, but if you subscribe here you’ll get one weekly email—usually on Wednesdays—to let you know what’s new. You are also invited to get garden related miscellany and recipes at the brand new Facebook page or on Twitter.

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