“One of the most joyous things we can do is to find our place, the land we fit into, the land where we belong. Having found our place, we snuggle into it, learn about it, adapt to it, and accept it fully. We love and honor it. We rejoice in it. We cherish it. We become native to the land of our living.” —Carol Deppe in The Resilient Gardener.
I read Deppe’s quote and realize how different it feels compared to the imperatives of a global economy, such as the one below…
NPR’s Morning Edition on Tuesday and was about poultry processing in the U.S. and Europe…In order to save $.20/lb., U.S. processors dip chicken carcasses in a chlorine bath to kill salmonella; in Europe, the use of chlorine bath is prohibited and processors instead use vigilant husbandry to keep salmonella out of their flocks. Hmmm: vigilant husbandry vs. cheaper chlorine bath? Which is the path to healthier culture? Just which parts of vigilance and health are we willing to sacrifice for $.20/lb.? —from a blog post by Woody Tasch
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