After days of rain, when the sun cames out briefly last week, even rain soaked blooms look really good to my eyes! The irises were a gift from our friend Merrill in Tennessee.
This is an heirloom cottage rose we bought several years ago in Austin, Texas. It’s growing and blooming even though it’s planted in only half day sun. Lost the tag long ago. Bad gardener!
Those sweet blooms are delightful too when viewed out the bedroom window. For once, I planned it that way!
Meanwhile, the girls were all ears (and eyes) regarding the rumor of sunshine. There was some furious foraging activity during that brief bout of golden sun….alas, we’re back to more rain now… Hey to cheer myself up I think I’ll sign up for the Chicken Tractor workshop at Chicken Moon Farm coming up on May 21st! If you are in Fayetteville, you can join me and sign up for this hands-on workshop by two of my very favorite farmers, Charity and Cheri.
—A Larrapin Garden
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Update 5/2/2011: Here are pictures over at that show what was going on in town during the recent flooding…from the city update and from community photos. (There are some good things about living on a rocky hill!) My thoughts go out to who dealt with floods in Arkansas that week, and to those in Alabama and other parts of the South dealing with mass tornado destruction last week. To donate to help with tornado and storm relief, go or text the word “REDCROSS” to 90999 to make a $10 donation.