Julia Ward Howe Peace Garden Visit

Posted on Jun 22, 2009 | Comments Off on Julia Ward Howe Peace Garden Visit


Continuing on Omni’s Peace Garden Tour from a couple weeks ago, here are the pics from Marie R.’s lovely city shade garden. The garden is named for Julia Ward Howe, an American social activist, abolitionist, poet and author of “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” She was also the first to proclaim “Mother’s Day.”

Marie has a large, sloping back yard and every inch of it is lovely. She has a real eye for artistic placement of objects — check out the merry-go-round horse beneath the amazing Japanese Butterbur (Asteraceae ‘Giganteus’) above! Plus she had a handy handout with the names of the plants which really helped me.

The photo gallery above will give you an idea of the work and artistry that went into this wonderful garden. You can click on any photo to see it larger. Marie creates wonderful, intimate vistas — like the tiny outdoor table surrounded by ornamental grass, or the wonderful frog pond complete with frog fountain. The outdoor patio area was wonderful and as you can see a lot of folks lingered there. That’s how you know your ‘garden destination’ really works, if people are drawn there and hang out! The contrasting colors, shapes and textures of plant groupings was amazing.

Thanks Marie for the wonderful addition to the Peace Garden Tour!  You can find out more about peace gardens at:



More about Omni’s Peace Garden project is at: www.omnicenter.org

Next, I visit the Blue Birds of Peace Garden!

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