First let me say: how the heck did it get to be mid-June already! My grandmother always said time sped up “when you get older.” I thought she meant 80’s — not 40’s! The speeding up of time though, is making me choose what I spend my time on much more carefully than ever… Gardening ALWAYS passes the where-to-spend-this-speeding-time test! There’s a lot of good garden eating going on around here as seen in the pic above. I love beets. Now that I figured out how to use a juicer I really wish I’d planted more – they are delicious with carrot and apples.
While the amazing amount of rain has been disastrous for the yellow squash, the kale is still going strong. I haven’t been quite bold enough to juice kale, but I hear you can..
Here’s Larrapin’s golf-ball sized watermelon. It’s a variety called “Blacktail Mountain” is is supposed to be very early. I’ll say! Hope it does better in the damp than the squash have — which went from lovely to covered-in-mildew literally overnight. Eeek. I’m planning to replant rather than try to save it I think (and hope for more sun, less dampness.)
The zuchinni are currently surviving….
Aren’t borage blooms amazing. I plant them to keep the tomatoes company and the bees love the blooms too.
And I’ve got stuff to plant that I don’t have space for! Sigh. Garden is never big enough. 🙂
Bush beans going strong. The little fence is enough to keep the bunnies at bay during that irresistable 2-6inche stage, which these have gotten past. If we get some good sunshine, we’ll have beans before we know it.
The dill has managed to attract a celebration of swallowtail caterpillars. It’s nice to be able to walk by and say words of encouragement and praise to a future butterfly.
So I was standing back admiring the garden, thinking what a beautiful place I have the privilege to learn from, when who should fly down from her nest in that tree at the end of the garden path but…
One of the roadrunners. This may be the female and maybe that nest is more serious than the usual piles of sticks in trees (and in the garage) that we call their “hunting blinds.” She stood all puffed out in the sun, drying out for a moment in between rain showers.
Thanks for taking a mid-June walk around Larrapin!

Lovely post and all those veggies look so good. The garden is a credit to you, everything looks so healthy.
Love the last photo, what a stunning bird.
I am most impressed! Your garden is beautiful and looks so bountiful. I raised beets for a while-pickled them, but never tried juice. Not sure about that.:) You should have time to plant more squash and have it produce. I didn’t realize it didn’t like damp. Won’t it be fun to watch the catepillars turn into butterflies? Those watermelon are looking good. Did you know you can make a watermelon rind jelly? My grandma taught me and it is really a delicate flavor. Enjoy your time in the garden, as you say, it passes quickly.