My bucket farm

Posted on Apr 30, 2008 | Comments Off on My bucket farm

My bucket farm.., originally uploaded by Leigh At Larrapin.

While this picture was about two weeks ago and a tremendous amount of greening and growing has taken place since then, we still had a late frost here at Larrapin two nights ago. You’d never know it from the sunny 70 degrees we had yesterday… It was very light, but it was the fourth or fifth time this month I had to haul out all the buckets on the premises and cover stuff in the garden. This bed is cabbage and broccoli, which probably would have been just fine, but they are so pretty I didn’t want to take a chance. Some of my potatoes got zapped and are just now, slowly, regrowing. (I forgot to cover those, since my mind was on my pet plants…) The night before this picture was taken, I noticed my neighbor, a great gardener, had every bucket on his place in use, so our road could have been named Bucket Farm Drive…

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