New Home! & Chix Holiday

Posted on Dec 28, 2011 | Comments Off on New Home! & Chix Holiday

For the holidays 2011, I decided to finally move the blog over to its own domain: So here we are! Gradually I’ll figure out how to link to all the material over at the old blog. I plan on staying settled here, so please bookmark or better yet, please re-subscribe so that you’ll get the posts by email. It’s a two step process, click and enter your email and the letters shown, then click “subscribe.” Step two is to check your email box and click that long “confirm” link that you really want to the get the now once-weekly posts.

Meanwhile, for the holidays I let the chickens ramble on the cover crop in the garden for snacks and greens. They were supervised, lest they devour the kale and spinach under the frost protection or scratch too deeply in the garlic and multiplier onions. They did pretty good with only one or two stern “move-alongs.” Mostly I cut or pull up greens out of the cover crop to toss into this area. But it was a holiday…

Despite being Christmas, it was warm enough that the bees came out to stretch their legs and buzz around a bit. The gardener was delighted to sit on the bench in the sun and dream of next year’s garden, while the chickens happily munched and explored. Happy holidays to all of you!

—A Larrapin Garden ~ with a new home at
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