Rain, Rain go away…

Posted on Apr 27, 2011 | Comments Off on Rain, Rain go away…

Rain doesn’t show up so well in photos. But let me tell you we’ve had rain, and more rain, and thunderstoms, flash floods, hail, and a couple tornados thrown in for good measure. Can frogs and locusts be far behind? In the past week, we’ve had nearly four times the usual rainfall for the entire month of April! There have been several weather-related tragedies in Arkansas. The weather alarm radio goes off all the time with repeated flood warnings and you know many people are suffering both personal and property loss.  It’s depressing after a while. Even the tanagers begin to look a little soggy:

Here’s hoping the weather improves soon and the waterlogged veggies manage to survive…

—A Larrapin Garden  www.larrapin.us
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Update 5/2/2011: Here are pictures over at FayettevilleFlyer.com that show what was going on in town during this time…from the city update and from community photos.  (There are some good things about living on a rocky hill!) My thoughts go out to who dealt with floods in Arkansas that week, and to those in Alabama and other parts of the South dealing with mass tornado destruction last week. To donate to help with tornado and storm relief, go to www.redcross.org or text the word “REDCROSS” to 90999 to make a $10 donation.

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