Seed Starting Update…

Posted on Feb 22, 2011 | 4 comments

Ready to go into individual pots!

Ready to go into individual pots!

I’ll be potting up babies today! Meanwhile, if the weather’s dry today…may try some spinach, onion starts and sugar snap pea seeds directly in the garden….

Next time: the sweet potato experiment…

If you are reading this from Northwest Arkansas and surrounds, be sure to check out our upcoming Food & Farming Filmfest on March 19th!

—A Larrapin Garden
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  1. I am trying the soil blocker this year and a cold frame for seed starts here in central Arkansas. I have a new cottage garden that I need to fill tout sweet!

    • I’ve wondered how those work. It’s so hard to imagine that the blocks will stay together…but seems they do! Please keep me updated. (Actually, I just visited your blog and will follow along!) Thanks for the comment and so glad to read about your gardening and future new home.

  2. As for those peas… I’m currently reading Gardening When It Counts by Steve Solomon and he says “chitting” or pre-sprouting indoors is particularly helpful with early peas. Ever tried it? I’m intrigued and itching to plant, too!

    • I love pre-sprouting seeds too. I’d only hear “chitting” applied to potatoes, but love that it has a name! Sometimes (and especially if I’m using old seeds) I’ll pre-sprout in a damp paper towel before putting into soil. Or for things that take many, many days to sprout (like parsley) I’ll use the paper towel in tupperware trick too. Thanks for the comment and for reading Larrapin!