- Next winter’s warmth

The snow has melted away from the white Christmas we had here in Northwest Arkansas, but we’re still having variations on cold precipitation. Not exactly the dreaded “wintry mix,” as the Noaa weather report often calls for, but yet another of the endless combinations that winter can bring. Back in NC, we made up some new names for the Southern variations on snow. “Snain” was snowy rain. “Sneet” was snow laced with sleet. Glad I’ve got good gardening books to read!

Ada The Farm Dog - 9mos old
Ada loved, loved the snow. She couldn’t figure out who would leave such yummy fluff everywhere. You could run, play with and then eat some! But for Ada, the world is a toy or a meal. Hey what is that she’s eating??
Oh great. She picked her own collards for a snowy snack. Back in the summer, her favorite U-pick snack was yellow squash and young cantelopes. Only fitting I should get a veggie loving dog! But don’t let her fool you. She’s no vegetarian and so the chickens must be carefully kept in their pasture till she’s a more trustworthy farm dog…

- Yum, cold DOES make collards sweeter!