Yes, right now in 2015 the farm is indeed covered in white and has been much of the week. The current white stuff is not the nice kind. It’s several inches of sleet frozen so hard its like an ice rink. There was a layer of snow that blew off in the huge wind we had while the real temp was four below and I don’t even want to know what the wind chill was that night. Now today, more sleet is forecasted.
In the spirit of lalalalalalalalala, here are some photos of the lovely, perfect powder snow we had this time last year….
The photo above is one of my all time favorites, our beloved Crow’s Egg apple tree decked out in white. Â Please join me below in a snowy walk around Five Apple Farm from February 2014. Hope you are staying warm and dreaming of gardens to come!
This last one is a hint of spring…maple buds getting ready to bloom as soon as they can!
with love,

Hey Leigh,
Will miss you at DIG IN here in two weeks. Thanks for your efforts in getting it started, I do the worm composting and love it…So do all the kids who come with parents to see garden.
I learned quite a few years ago to not use a lot of compost. Get the minerals correct in the soil and then with the a little compost, the soil is very productive and builds its own organic matter. My biggest problem with organic gardeners is using too much compost. High compost gardens never yield Nutrient-Dense produce.
My plans were to slow down this year…not a chance. I have a new approach that provides fertilizer recommendations that are more precise and more complete. See I met Erica in Dec at Acres and she and Alice have a great site. I use their app. With a few adjustments, it works great with the AR Soil Test. I am very busy helping Tri Cycle Farms and Souls Harbor in Rogers. NIce group of Garden Corp folks at Tri Cycle.
Enjoy your site. Keep up the good work, youngster 🙂 I”ll be 79 this year, so have cut back to only working half-days…12 hours. 🙂
I loved your snow pics, but with a very cold Feb, we are waiting for spring…daffodills are about 3 inches tall.
Take care…BLessings, Calvin
Beautiful pics of the BEST SNOW ever!