First year growing spaghetti squash

The hens LOVE overgrown squash...

Butternut Squash -- my favorite!

Hi I'm Leigh. Welcome to Five Apple Farm's blog, a journal of raising honey bees, growing things, farm critters, generous landscapes, good food and more.
“Larrapin” is an old hill-country word once used to mean delicious, yummy, really good.
My idea of larrapin is a landscape created to be delicious & useful to many: the gardeners, birds, wildlife, barnyard, bees and pollinators. Five Apple Farm is my canvas.
We are back home for good in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina after several sweet years in the Ozarks. You'll find posts from both places.
Welcome and Enjoy!
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Recent Posts
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- Winter Thoughts—Great Farm Search 2013, Pt 2 January 25, 2016
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