I’ve written here often of the joy of planting trees. I may not have mentioned my personal superstitions that it is good luck when a bird alights in a tree you planted and most splendid luck when a bird builds a nest in that tree! If that is true, this fellow is one lucky guy as tigers and elephants have come to live among the trees he has planted…
Actually it’s all of us who are lucky to have him helping improve our shaky reputation among the living things of Earth…
“Since the 1970’s Majuli islander Jadav Payeng has been planting trees in order to save his island. To date he has single handedly planted a forest larger than Central Park NYC. His forest has transformed what was once a barren wasteland, into a lush oasis. ”
Watching a fellow who lives in a stilt hut with apparently one plastic lawn chair to sit in his dirt yard do this much good with just a stick to plant trees is humbling stuff. Don’t miss it. After watching I can hardly wait to crank up the shovel this year, get some tree seedlings, and go make something of my life. Enjoy.
with love, Leigh
(Here’s the direct YouTube link to watch: http://youtu.be/HkZDSqyE1do )