Another Wonderful Fayetteville Farmers Market
Oh I love our Farmers Market. It’s one of reasons we picked Fayetteville over other nearby towns—though six years later, most of those other towns have farmers markets of their own. Bravo farmers. And Bravo folks who support those farmers in growing REAL food. Only a few more left for the year then we’ll be heading over to the WINTER market!
If you are in Fayetteville and do Facebook, you can keep up with our Farmers Market by “liking” their facebook page here:
—A Larrapin Garden
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Tony Avent of Plant Delights Nursery in Raleigh, NC to speak
There’s a wonderful local garden event tomorrow that I nearly forgot to post since I’m unable to attend. Dash out and check out:
Read MoreTony Avent of Plant Delights Nursery in Raleigh, NC to speak to Flower, Garden, & Nature Society on Saturday, March 20 at 10:00 am, at NTI in Springdale
Tony Avent, the owner of Plant Delights Nursery near Raleigh, North Carolina, will speak to the Flower Garden and Nature Society of NW Arkansas on Saturday, March 20, at 10:00 am, in the student center at the Northwest Technical Institute in Springdale, 709 South Old Missouri Road (just south of the Springdale rodeo grounds, on Hwy. 265). Please arrive early for best seating.
Tony is internationally known and renowned in horticultural circles as a plant hunter and plantsman. He has personally traveled to Mexico, China, Korea, Argentina, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam in search of new and rare plants to offer at Plant Delights, as well as finding great new introductions of North American native plants in no fewer than 43 plant-hunting expeditions closer to home. He has written numerous magazine, newspaper, and Internet articles, and for the last eight years has been a contributing editor to Horticulturemagazine. He has also appeared on many television shows, including multiple appearances onMartha Stewart Living.
Gardeners who love new and unusual plants, as well as interesting and sometimes hilarious prose, eagerly await the Plant Delights catalogs each year. Who could resist a description of Baptisias, our native false indigos, as “redneck lupines”? Plant Delights has also become a choice destination for plant lovers to visit during the “Open House” weekends each year, to admire the lovely showcase and trial gardens, which have a wider variety of plants than most full-fledged botanical gardens.
Tony will speak on “Exploration to Exploitation: How Plants Make Their Way From the Wild to Market”.
Admission to the talk is free to FGNS members, and $15 to non-members (membership in the FGNS is also $15, and may be purchased at the door). For more information, call 479-521-9090.
Julia Ward Howe Peace Garden Visit
Continuing on Omni’s Peace Garden Tour from a couple weeks ago, here are the pics from Marie R.’s lovely city shade garden. The garden is named for Julia Ward Howe, an American social activist, abolitionist, poet and author of “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” She was also the first to proclaim “Mother’s Day.”
Marie has a large, sloping back yard and every inch of it is lovely. She has a real eye for artistic placement of objects — check out the merry-go-round horse beneath the amazing Japanese Butterbur (Asteraceae ‘Giganteus’) above! Plus she had a handy handout with the names of the plants which really helped me.
The photo gallery above will give you an idea of the work and artistry that went into this wonderful garden. You can click on any photo to see it larger. Marie creates wonderful, intimate vistas — like the tiny outdoor table surrounded by ornamental grass, or the wonderful frog pond complete with frog fountain. The outdoor patio area was wonderful and as you can see a lot of folks lingered there. That’s how you know your ‘garden destination’ really works, if people are drawn there and hang out! The contrasting colors, shapes and textures of plant groupings was amazing.
Thanks Marie for the wonderful addition to the Peace Garden Tour! You can find out more about peace gardens at:
More about Omni’s Peace Garden project is at:
Next, I visit the Blue Birds of Peace Garden!
Read MorePeace Gardens Tour – Ed’s Woodland Garden

Ed's Home and Woodland Garden
Yesterday I had the delight of visiting three of the five gardens featured on Omni’s Peace Garden Tour 2009. How fun to get to see what other passionate gardeners are doing! My first stop was Ed L.’s lovely home and woodland garden site in South Fayetteville. It’s like a fairytale cottage in a forest…only it’s right in the city. One of my favorite details is the vine with variagated foliage over the front entrance. I’d never seen such a light and airy vine growing in significant shade. Ed told me it’s a variagated porcelain vine. (You can see a close up of the leaf by clicking the image below.) Other great things at Ed’s included a cute garden shed built from reclaimed materials and a tiny water garden on the deck.
Enjoy this mini gallery of more delights from Ed’s place:
Next on the tour, Marie R’s art-filled shade garden in Fayetteville’s historic district…
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