Once the weather gets cold, the woodpeckers reappear on the suet feeder. With the chilly week we’ve had, it’s rare to look out the kitchen window at the suet feeder and NOT see a woodpecker on it. Above, our adored red-head, the Yellow-Bellied Woodpecker. Occasionally, at the right angle, it’s visible how he got his name.
This tiny Downey Woodpecker has no trouble running off the big guys to get his lunch. They look so small compared to the Yellow-Bellied!
And here’s our 2009 pride and joy: an immature Hairy Woodpecker. It’s so fun to see the young ones figure out the suet feeder. Between them all, they are eating us out of house and home and making homemade suet cakes is on the agenda for the next few days.
Here’s another woodpecker post with pics over at the old blogger site:
Another juvenile woodpecker: a sapsucker??
Which of your favorite birds are showing up this time of year? Please leave a comment and let me know! (Bloggers just love comments….) 🙂

I love watching the woodpeckers too. I’m not far from you by the way – over in western Benton county.
I’d love to see a post about making your own suet cakes.
Jen, there are wonderful woodpeckers in our part of the country. So glad you are seeing lots too. And thanks for visiting the blog!
I always like seeing cardinals. My granny used to tell me when I was little, that if you see a cardinal, it means someone is coming to visit you. I like visitors, so that makes me happy!
My nearly three-year-old is happily identifying these winter woodpeckers from 30+ feet away, while I say, “where? where?” I have to get up to speed! Any recommended suet cake recipes to lure them in closer?
(So glad to see you back, by the way. Such good gardening reminders. If only I’d read about the hard frost *before* the hard frost…)
So glad to hear from you! As for suet recipes — Yes. And they are such fun to make. I’ll get them on the blog within the next few days. Thanks so much for the kind words!