Yancey County Farmers Market — Burnsville, NC

Posted on Jul 2, 2013 | 2 comments


Last Saturday we visited the Yancey County Farmers Market. Our new rental house sits right between two weekly markets, this one in Burnsville and the other in Spruce Pine, NC. You may notice it’s been a long while since I posted to the blog and that I’m posting today from a new place! We have moved back “home” to NC after eight wonderful years in Fayetteville, Arkansas.  Let me say that preparing to move, moving, setting up a temporary abode from which to hunt for our next homestead…it will eat your life! But now that we’ve settled in enough to locate dishes and clean socks, the next task is finding local food!

After a few years of eating primarily from our own garden and from the fields and pastures of the local growers of Fayetteville, we are completely spoiled to the tastes and experience of it and eating from the grocery (even the organic one) or take-out on a regular basis  just doesn’t feel as satisfying.

Not to mention that in the weeks prior to moving and during the process we ate more packaged foods than in the last few years combined with the exception of meals brought by during those crazy day by kind friends!

Note to self: If you hear any friend, family or neighbor is in the process of moving and you bring them over a meal of any kind, you will be forever remembered with great fondness! 

Once we were back in front of tables piled with fresh food, things start to feel normal-ish again. Including noting that by arriving in the last hour of the market, we almost missed some tasty favorites that sold out earlier! But we snagged some sugar-snaps, kale, collards, homemade mustard (yum!!), pork, grass-fed beef, candy-roaster squash bread (like pumpkin bread)….as well as some shortbread biscuits and cheddar scones that, um, never made it to the house.

I loved the shopping totes made from feed bags and picked up a “hillbilly” wine bottle tote made from the same. The prices couldn’t be beat! I am looking forward to being a regular at this market. Hope you enjoyed these iphone snapshots and hope to see you here at the blog again as I post more regularly…lord willing and the creek don’t rise!



—A Larrapin Garden…currently in search of a new home in the Blue Ridge of North Carolina.  My posts on this blog may be boom or bust depending on the season, but if you subscribe here you’ll get one weekly email—usually on Wednesdays—to let you know what’s new. You are also invited to get garden related miscellany and recipes at the brand new Facebook page or on Twitter.


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  1. We’re gonna miss you guys something terrible…Will you come back for a Dig In Festival if we have another, and who can we contact for that?
    Thanks! Lia

    • You are so kind to say that Lia. I do hope to visit for Dig In which will go forward in the capable hands of Cheri LaRue and Charity Lewis who have been coordinators with me on Dig In from the beginning. Updates for Dig In should appear on the website (www.diginfestival.com) a couple months before the next festival March 2014. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting Lia.